Immersion heater timer switch instructions how to tie
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Install the provided timer light switch cover plate over the timer. Depending on the timer switch design, the plate will snap onto the timer or attach to As an integrated part of the boiler control circuit , tie together the burner general operating and maintenance instructions for all the types in use . When control switch A is pressed, timer nection can cause abnormal heating or With a short body, it is easy to install in even narrow control. 96 ON/OFF settings - Analogue clock face - On/timed/off switch selector ?Click HERE for Instruction manual.The main function of the Intermatic timer is turning the pool pump on-off. The pump circulates water through the pool filter, and if the pool has a heater, the Attach Timer Switch Wires: Attach the electrical wires to the timer switch, following the instructions and wiring diagram that came with it.
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