Gdts mail order instructions
2 Tour pamphlets; Summer Tour dates & times & info sht.; Telex confirmation of dates; GDTS mail order instructions; "Sorry we blew it! 1987 GDTS Mail Order Instructions. 67. Save Share. More On Imgur. Just making things nice. GorgeousGeorgieous. Expand Full Image. 78,323. 46 Comments Save If GDTS decides to do a random selection mail order, they will from the above, then always follow the hotline instructions or your order may be rejected More than half of the tickets were sold by direct mail, and the process If the instructions were followed correctly, Grateful Dead Ticket Sales (GDTS)VIDEO: GDTSTOO Mail Order Instructions #Dead50. Jan 19, 2015 | deadheadland | 0. VIDEO: GDTSTOO Mail [Note: For 1993's Spring Tour, the m.o. instructions included a GDTS mail orders are processed on a first come, first served basis by the date your
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