Orel a handbook of germanic etymology
A Handbook of Germanic Etymology This book represents a reconstruction of the Proto-Germanic vocabulary as attested in ancient and modern Germanic languages V. Orel; Published 2003; History. This book represents a reconstruction of the Proto-Germanic vocabulary as attested in ancient and modern Germanic This book represents a reconstruction of the Proto-Germanic vocabulary as attested in ancient and modern Germanic languages and projected to the Proto-Germanic A HANDBOOK OF. GERMANIC. ETYMOLOGY. BY. VLADIMIR OREL. BRILL. LEIDEN • BOSTON. 2003 hope that the further progress of Germanic etymology will allow to. A Handbook of Germanic Etymology — Orel, Vladimir E. — A reconstruction of the Proto-Germanic vocabulary as attested in ancient and modern GermanicGet this from a library! A handbook of Germanic etymology. [Vladimir E Orel] -- A reconstruction of the Proto-Germanic vocabulary as attested in ancient and A HANDBOOK OF GERMANIC ETYMOLOGY Vladimir Orel BRILL A HANDBOOK OF GERMANIC ETYMOLOGY This page intentionally left blank A HANDBOOK OF GERMANIC ETYMOLOGY BY
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